COVID-19 aid news

Although we are slowly seeing the end of the current crisis, the restrictive measures are still in force. This means that many businesses are still forced to remain closed or to operate at a slower pace. ODB is here to support you and our staff are on hand to help you through this difficult period.

The regions are continuing to provide compensation to help businesses through these economic difficulties. Here are the various aids that are still in place.

Walloon Region

  • Compensation 4:
    • For self-employed persons or SMEs in certain defined sectors (transport, catering, events, artistic professions, travel, entertainment, non-essential clothing trade, etc.) whose turnover in the third quarter of 2020 is down by more than 40% than in the third quarter of 2019.
    • Compensation equal to 30% of the turnover generated in the third quarter of 2019 with a minimum of € 3,000.00 and a maximum that varies depending on the number of employees.
    • Apply here:
    • Deadline: 31 January 2021
  • Compensation 6:
    • For self-employed or SMEs in certain specific sectors (non-core businesses under a broader eligibility than compensation 4)
    • Compensation of € 2,250.00 to € 6,750.00 depending on the number of employees.
    • Apply here:
    • Deadline: 31 January 2021

Brussels Region

  • Soft loans are granted to companies in certain sectors (cultural and creative) or with more than 10 FTEs.
  • No other compensation is granted by the Brussels Region at this time.

Flemish Region

We will keep a close eye on new developments and keep you abreast of any changes to the premiums!

Vous souhaitez avoir l’esprit libre pour consacrer toute votre énergie à bâtir ou développer votre entreprise ? Les experts d’ODB sont vos alliés pour affronter l’économie en mouvement dans laquelle nous vivons.????

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