Associate partner

  • Olivier Bottequin fiduciaire

    Olivier Bottequin

    Associate partner Certified accountant and tax accountant

  • fiduciaire Stéphanie Moreau de Melen

    Stéphanie Moreau de Melen

    Associate partner Certified accountant and tax accountant

  • fiduciaire Frédéric Callens

    Frédéric Callens

    Associate partner Certified accountant and tax accountant

  • fiduciaire comptabilité Georges Yana

    Georges Yana

    Associate partner Certified accountant

  • fiduciaire comptabilité Olivier Saint-Remy

    Olivier Saint-Remy

    Associate partner Certified accountant Advisor of personal financial planning Approved Mediator

  • fiduciaire comptable Raphaël Defrenne

    Raphaël Defrenne

    Associate partner Tax accountant

  • Julie André

    Associate partner Tax accountant

  • fiduciaire comptabilité Lahmar

    Fettah Lahmar

    Associate partner Certified accountant and tax accountant

  • Aadil El Amrani fiduciaire

    Aadil El Amrani

    Associate partner Certified accountant and tax accountant

  • fiduciaire comptabilité Bertrand Deham

    Bertrand Deham

    Associate partner Certified accountant and tax accountant

  • Guillaume Schmitz

    Associate partner Associate partner Legal & Tax

Chartered Accountants

  • Bertrand Noez

    Chartered accountants Certified accountant and tax accountant

  • Catherine Martin

    Chartered accountants Tax accountant

  • Emilie Doornaert

    Chartered accountants Certified accountant and tax accountant

  • fiduciaire comptabilité

    François Gardier

    Chartered accountants Certified accountant and tax accountant

  • Mihaela Petre-Luca

    Chartered accountants Certified accountant and tax accountant

  • Nicolas Chambeau

    Chartered accountants Certified accountant and tax accountant

  • Sandrine Cobbaert

    Chartered accountants Tax accountant

  • Sophie Labilloy

    Chartered accountants Certified accountant and tax accountant

  • Youssef El Baroudi

    Chartered accountants Tax Accountant


  • fiduciaire comptabilité Andreas Glotz

    Andreas Glotz

    Staff Accountant

  • fiduciaire comptabilité

    Antoine Adant

    Staff Accountant

  • Arnaud Schümmer

    Staff Accountant

  • comptable fiduciiare

    Audrey Cordier

    Staff Accountant

  • Audrey Detandt

    Staff Accounting support

  • Aurélie Poels

    Staff Accountant

  • Claudine Van Diest

    Staff Accounting support

  • Heike Goovaerts

    Staff Odb Flanders

  • Hilde Andries

    Staff Tax accountant Odb Flanders

  • Ioana Colbu

    Staff Accountant

  • Julien de Schrynmakers de Dormaël

    Staff Accountant

  • Katia De Keuster

    Staff Accounting support

  • fiduciaire comptabilité

    Loïc Lemogoum

    Staff Accountant

  • fiduciaire comptabilité

    Lorenzo Lamera

    Staff Accountant

  • Luciana Marica

    Staff Accountant

  • Mathieu Hermand

    Staff Accountant

  • fiduciaire comptabilité

    Meryem Messaoudi

    Staff Accountant

  • comptable fiduciaire

    Michaël Attia

    Staff Accountant

  • Peggy de Cock

    Staff Accountant Odb Flanders

  • fiduciaire comptabilité Raphaël Mukosiej

    Raphaël Mukosiej

    Staff Accountant

  • Stephanie Magnus

    Staff accountant

  • fiduciaire comptabilité Toccafondo

    Ulli Toccafondo

    Staff Accounting support


  • Céline Van Damme

    Back Office Administrative assistant Secretary

  • Daniel Petre

    Back Office Accounting support and IT

  • Sophie Rans

    Back Office Executive Assistant

  • Valérie de Bruyn

    Back Office Administrative assistant and secretary


  • Sarah Vervecken




Waterloo: Drève Richelle 161 N Boîte 48 – 1410 Waterloo
Malines: Hanswijkstraat, 37/A – 2800 Malines
Bierges: Rue de Genval, 12 – 1301 Bierges


Waterloo and Bierges:


Waterloo: +32 2 352 12 80
Malines: +32 15 42 48 28
Bierges: +32 10 22 78 48

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